Italian Beef and White Bean Casserole

Italian beef and white bean casserole recipe

Cooking Method

  1. Preheat oven to 160°C. Season beef with salt and pepper. Pan fry in batches in hot olive oil until browned all over, remove and place in a casserole dish.
  2. Fry onion, capsicum and garlic in olive oil until onion has partially softened and garlic is fragrant. Season with 2 pinches of salt and a grind of black pepper.
  3. Mix tomato paste with beef stock and flour – make a smooth paste and pour into casserole dish.
  4. Add tomatoes, sundried tomatoes and dried herbs.
  5. Cover with a disc of baking paper (cartouche), press down onto the meat and liquids (this will help trap and develop the flavours as it cooks). Cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook for 3 hours.
  6. Adjust seasoning to taste. Add cannellini beans, olives and fresh herbs.
  7. Serve with fresh toasted ciabatta or creamy polenta.